Junk Food Dinner Podcast: Episode #37

No, you're not hallucinating, Junk Food Dinner Episode #37 is actually here!
This week we see what happens when an all-black army forms to protect their community, only to be corrupted themselves, in the 1975 blaxploitation film Black Gestapo directed by Lee Frost and starring Rod Perry and Charles Robinson.
Then A mercenary attempts to rescue his ex-girlfriend who has been kidnapped by a street gang in the campy action-adventure flick Streets of Fire from 1984 directed by Walter Hill and starring Michael Paré, Diane Lane, Rick Moranis and Willem Dafoe.
And finally, a female high school student masquerades as a boy to get respect as a journalist in the 1985 gender-bending teen comedy Just One of the Guys starring Joyce Hyser, Clayton Rohner, Billy Jayne and William Zabka.
Also, we have Nerds News, this week's DVD and Blu-Ray releases and much more!
*NOTE: Mark's internet crapped out on him halfway through the DVD releases and he had to complete the show via his telephone. We don't address it on the show but that's why there is a dramatic change in his audio fidelity 20 or so minutes in. No big whoop.
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Got a movie suggestion for the show, want to give your opinion on a movie we talked about or just want to tell us we suck? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com or leave us a message at 347-746-JUNK (5865).
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