Dudes of Wrath Podcast: episode 57

This week, we're joined by film-maker Jeremy Morrison (who worked on Showtime's "Look" and "Hatchet II") as we explore three often overlooked films by the director who influenced Morrison to get into movies, Wes Craven.

First, we look at Morrison's favorite flick, the story of a serial killer who uses magic or something to turn into electricity or something in 1989's "Shocker." Craven tries to get lightning to strike twice (get it?!) in this bizarre Freddy knock off.

Then we find out what happens when you're a boy genius who puts the brain of your dead robot into the body of your dead crush in "Deadly Friend," from 1986, starring Kristy Swanson.

Finally, we witness a "Swamp Thing" battle David Hess and a monster that seems to be half-man and half bear/pig in the 1982 action flick based on the DC Comic, starring Adrienne Barbeau.

There's also Nerd News and this week's DVD/Blu Ray releases.

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  1. So is MUSIC OF THE HEART really just another Freddy film in disguise? I think so. I mean, all those kids and their "dreams". Also, '89 must have been a good year for electric chair themed horror, we got SHOCKER and THE HORROR SHOW (aka HOUSE III), plus that debut episode of TALES FROM THE CRYPT about the rogue executioner. Maybe that Green Mile-esq AMAZING STORIES episode with Patrick Swayze from a few years earlier in '86 kicked it all off.

  2. I totally forgot about Renny Harlin's PRISON with Viggo Mortensen from a year earlier in '88, maybe that had some influence on the genre.

  3. That William Sadler executioner episode is one of my favorite Tales eps. Well, NOW it is. Back when I was a kid, any episode with tits was my favorite.

  4. I love William Sadler Tales from the Crypt episode. Gerrit Graham was in that one, too. For double the awesome actors.

  5. I should have thrown the word "the" in that first sentence. Oh well.


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