Junk Food Dinner Podcast: Episode #39

This week we get spaced out and naked with Jane Fonda in 1968's Barbarella.
Next, we ask that you kindly take us to your leader before we are up to our dirty Reebok's in shakey, pudding filled aliens in the Polonia Brothers classic- Feeders from 1996.
Finally, we realize that you can't say the word "poster" enough as we discuss the cannibal-zombie-kung-fu epic Raw Force from 1982.
All this plus Nerd News, DVD releases, and more on this weeks JFD. Tune in!
MP3 Direct Download here.
Got a movie suggestion for the show, want to give your opinion on a movie we talked about or just want to tell us we suck? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com or leave us a message at 347-746-JUNK (5865).
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