Junk Food Dinner Podcast: Episode #56

Look out! The latest episode of everybody's favorite cult movie podcast is upon us, and boy oh boy, is it a doozy.

The first movie on the docket this week is Grotesque from 1988 starring Linda Blair about a gang of overacting punks who terrorize a family at their home in the mountains until the tables are turned in twist after ridiculous twist.

Then we watch as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson goes on a manhunt to kill those responsible for his brothers murder, all while being trailed by Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Billy Bob Thornton, in the macho action flick Faster from 2010.

And finally, it's a supernatural geriatric killing spree when we laugh our way through the expectedly silly straight-to-video horror comedy The Granny from 1995 directed by Luca Bercovici and starring Stella Stevens and Shannon Whirry.

Also, we have Nerds News, this week's DVD and Blu-Ray releases and much more!

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Got a movie suggestion for the show, want to give your opinion on a movie we talked about or just want to tell us we suck? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com. Or leave us a voicemail: 347-746-JUNK (5865).

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