JFD103: The Warriors (Audio Commentary)
JFD's 300th movie is upon us. All of us, you included. Especially since you guys picked it! This week in the glorious tradition of our 100th (Howard the Duck) and 200th (C.H.U.D.)films we're all gonna sit down and watch this thing as a family. So grab your running crew, salt the popcorn, and cue up your VHS/DVD copy of Walter Hill's THE WARRIORS (theatrical cut!!) from 1979 and let's get this thing going!
Again, this is not a normal episode and was designed to be played alongside the film. There's a countdown and everything. Real professional like.
No Nerd News, DVD's, or Junk Mail this week. But we got stacks of all three on deck for Episode #104!
Direct Download Here!
Got a movie suggestion for the show, want to give your opinion on a movie we talked about or just want to tell us we suck? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com. Or leave us a voicemail: 347-746-JUNK (5865).
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