JFD313: Communion
It's a California adventure as the JFD boiz meet up IRL in LA to watch lucha libre and eat fried chicken. Then there's a knock on the door. Who could that be? Holy shit! It's everybody's favorite Bay Area podcast bros Cory and Shelby from Illogical Contraption Radio! Now it's a fuckin' party!
For our first and only movie this week, Shelby brings us the "true story" of Whitley Strieber (hammed up to perfection by Christopher Walken at his Walken-est), a writer who is haunted by his intimate encounter with creatures from another world in Communion from 1989.
Plus we eat a bunch of snacks for Chow Yum Chat and crinkle the wrappers right into the mic! We have Siqq Piqqs for movies or books that got us believing in aliens! Ghost stories! Marriage proposals! Beard love! Cory-oke! And much more!
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