Trailers that are relevant to Parker's interests and/or life!
Anyway, this looks like some ol' usual Jason Statham stuff, which is to say: awesome. Clifton Collins (Rules of Attraction, The Stoned Age) is apparently in it too, which is awesome cuz he rules and the trailer teases a that we may see Jennifer Lopez's butt, which is the best part of Jennifer Lopez, so everything seems to be adding up nicely here.
In other (probably better) trailer news, the new Bret Easton Ellis creation "The Canyons," has a trailer. This flick is going straight to Netflix because that's how things will be in the future and it seems cool. If you didn't learn it from our Bret Easton Ellis theme show, I fucking love everything this dude does*, so I'm totally into this. Admittedly, the casting of Lindsey Lohan seems more like a cry for attention than anything else, but what are you gonna do? Here's the (super cool) trailer:
*Except some of "The Informers."
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