What's your ideal JFD episode? We'll do it.

Hey, Junkies. We mentioned this on the new episode (JFD155), but we're gonna mention it here, to properly document everything and for our deaf listeners, who can't hear the podcast.

We want to hear your ideal episode of Junk Food Dinner. Pick three movies. Your favorite movies, perhaps. Or 3 movies you think would make a cool theme together. Or movies you think we'd love. Or movies you think we'd love to hate. Whatever it is. There's only one rule. Make sure we haven't already done those movies. For maximum accuracy, you can search our handy, up-to-date list of every movie we've ever done on the left sidebar over there. Or you can check out our Letterboxd list. Oh, and send just one ideal show. You can't send like 20. This is your ONE dream show you wanna hear.

Email your ideal shows to jfdpodcast at gmail dot com by May 6, and we'll read them on the show and argue until we decide on one. Then we'll be doing your show for JFD160, the following week.

Oh, and here's the best part! When you win, we'll get at your for your address so we can scale your lattice wall or kick in your basement window to deliver* a sweet ThanksKilling 3 poster signed by the creators, Jordan Downey and Kevin Stewart! So, thanks to those dudes for providing the cool prize. And go buy or rent ThanksKilling 3 if you haven't seen it because there's some pretty great puns and it's one of the prettiest movies we've ever seen. IN SPACE.

Up and at 'em, Junkies. Go make your ideal episode!

*Or we'll just send it via the post office.


  1. Hi ... My name is Mickey and I'm a Taurus.
    My selections for you sassy cats would be the following:

    1980's "Midnight Madness"
    "Meatballs Part II"
    and "Alien Nation"

    Keep it stiff!



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