Pick our 1,000th movie/next Audio Commentary!

Hey, Snack Packers! Can you even fucking believe it? In December, we'll be reviewing our 1,000th movie! What movie will it be? Only you have the power to make that decision. As is tradition, the movie gets its own episode, complete as an audio commentary. Instead of Pokemon Go-ing out to the national election polls, you need to declare "I'm with Her...ting my JFD friends by making them watch a shitty movie."

In the past, you guys picked Howard the Duck (JFD35), C.H.U.D. (JFD69), The Warriors (JFD103), Transformers: The Movie (JFD137), Escape From New York (JFD172), Spring Break (JFD 206) and Ice Cream Man (JFD240) Judgment Night (JFD274) and Double Agent 73 (JFD311).

Here are the choices, Junkies!

Pick our next Audio Commentary
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