JFD406: Night of the Juggler, Fade to Black, Annihilation

Strange fellows discuss strange films in these strange times, this week, on the show. It's an odd mixture of weird characters, locales, and activities, chronicled audiovisually for our digestion, which then spurs some unusual opinions and interactions between our hosts. This kind of bizarre event is not considered to be a regular occurence, and must not be missed.

First up: what is a Night of the Juggler, from 1980? It's an off-the rails NYC child-abduction action-thriller starring James Brolin and that dude from the Angel movies. You know the dude.

And then! You gotta hear about the time we reviewed Fade to Black, also from 1980. It's got that kid from Breaking Away, except this time he's a movie-obssessed creep with a murderous streak. He kind of reminds us of Wayne.

Finally! You'd better believe we're reviewing Annihilation, the new Alex Garland sci-fi flick from 2018. We never claimed we'd review anything else. Never in a week where a Natalie Portman-led expedition team is sent into a mysterious zone where things don't return from. We'd be fools to do so!

All this plus witty banter between pals, the best statues of Drax the Destroyer to drive your car through, the tried and true timeless tradition of Parker's generosity, the heebee jeebee's, mad cokehead strength versus the toughness of Richard Masur, Parker's Hotdog Birthday Jubilee, flannel tuxedos, how not to make think people think that some guy wormed your chick, the perilous plight of the person who was trans-Marilyn, a late callback to Thankskilling, Parker's intense and well-documented love of fractals, our weekly news and Blu-ray Picks, silent coughs, latent belches, no rides offered (or taken), major-key nose whistling, snide-ways glances, freshly-squeezed gleekspit and a whole lot more!

Direct Donloyd Here

Got a movie suggestion for the show, want to give your hot takes on a movie we talked about or just want to tell us Wayne sucks? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com. Or leave us a voicemail: 347-746-JUNK (5865). Add it to your telephone now!

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