JFD412: Monsters Crash the Pajama Party, A*P*E*, Link
Oh, crap. APE-Ril is all over. Sorry about that. Please enjoy this final APE-ril episode as a consolation. It has lots of monkeys.
First up: what is a Monsters Crash the Pajama Party, and what does it mean? And why are we watching it? All of this is answered within. From 1965.
Next! What movie features a massive gorilla dancing like a doofus to the soothing sensations of stock cinema clips? Why only 1976's A*P*E*, aka King Kong's Great Counterattack; aka The New King Kong; aka a whole host of legally-challenge movie titles and then later Attack Of The Giant Horny Gorilla. It's a South Korean cash-grab released just before the official 76 King Kong remake, and it's sure got a lot of creative reuse of footage!
Finally! Liz Shue risks getting a mean a mandible claw as she fights off at least one chimp (that's actually an orangutang) while trying to save at least one other chimp (that might actually be evil). It's a confusing movie, that's for sure. It's also for sure called Link, from 1986. Watch this one with a monkey you care about.
All this plus maniacs who dress nicely, witty banter between pals, Cheers Chats, a caller tests the limits of Kevin's search box adventurousness, spooky urban legends, a spooky call from Wayne, vintage Ohio party chats, our weekly news and Blu-ray Picks, greasy coughs, mega-belches, no rides offered (or taken), minor-key nose whistling, fervent glances, freshly-squeezed gleekspit, fake-bat eyelashes and a whole lot more!
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