JFD421: Terror of Tiny Town, Fastest Guitar Alive, Oblivion

Once upon a time, the West was Weird. And we were there. This podcast's proof!

Firstly! Oh no, are things already stopping this low? We review the all-midget, all-musical cowboy fiasco The Terror of Tiny Town, from 1938. Results are about what you'd expect.

Secondly! It's a weird day when Roy Orbison decides to star as a confederate bank robber with a guitar that transforms into a gun. And that day is the day they made The Fastest Guitar Alive from 1967. And we have it on good authority it was just that single day.

Thirdly! We get caught in the Oblivion fever currently sweeping the nation, or something. You know, that 1994 Full Moon movie with the sick cast of weirdos. It's got a lizard man in the desert, what more do you want?

All this plus some real wet stuff, witty banter between pals, summertime fun, the Tommy Wiseau update, videotapes without covers, impending Vinegar Syndrome restoration speculations, a rousingly on-topic round of listener Junk Mail including the triumphant return of Kyle from Kentucky, a case of the Skypiness, twice the amount of news-segment based controversies than other podcasts provide, some real Svankmajer moments, Kevin's waning attention span, weird beards & weirder wolves, our weekly news and Blu-ray Picks, varying bodysounds, no rides offered (or taken), off-mic nose whistling, genuine wonderment, a hidden snake and a whole lot more!

Direct Donloyd Here

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