The 2019 Ghoul Summer T-shirt (and Coozie) is On Sale Now!

Happy Ghoul Summer, Junkies! The brand new 2019 Ghoul Summer t-shirt is up for pre-order from our friends at Hide the Bodies. We also have Ghoul Summer can coozies again per popular demand. Also, if you missed last year's shirt, we have a handful of leftovers on sale for just $10!

Pre-order on the 2019 shirt ends 8/15, so get your orders in as soon as possible!

Order in the links below:

2019 Ghoul Summer t-shirt + can coozie combo

2019 Ghoul Summer t-shirt only

2019 Ghoul Summer can coozie only

2018 Ghoul Summer shirt (pink) for only $10

2018 Ghoul Summer shirt (green) for only $10

2017 Ghoul Summer shirt for only $10

