JFD514: Quasi at the Quackadero, Night of the Living Bread, What Did Jack Do?
Let's face it, most of us haven't been out in public for days. Might as well get comfortable and slip into some shorts. That's right, short films week is back on JFD. And to help us review these bite-sized flicks we're joined by comedian and filmmaker Max Beasley, whose new made-during-quarantine short film, This is the Day is now on Vimeo
Up first, we take a look at the wacky, colorful and psychedelic animated world of artist Sally Cruikshank and her 1975 classic underground short Quasi at the Quackadero about two modern ducks getting existential at a carnival.
Next, we take a look at the infamous pitch-perfect black & white parody of the classic Night of the Living Dead, but replace zombies with slices of Wonder Bread in Night of the Living Bread from 1990.
And finally, we take a look at David Lynch's 2017 short film for Netflix where he interrogates a small monkey on a train for 17 minutes in What Did Jack Do?
All this plus psychedelic Netflix cartoons, hypothetical Kids in the Hall movies, The Goonies reunion, new Hellraisers, Mallrats 2, this week's goofiest blu-rays and so much more!
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