JFD Megamix 2020

With quarantine season kicking into high gear around the globe, you're gonna need the perfect mixtape to liven up all your sparsely attended late nite parties you got planned. And what better way to get the vibes adjusted than to jam out with the latest JFD Megamix (2020)? So, it's come to this: a specifically formulated blend of Junk Food Dinner music, trailers, phone calls, and the sounds of several screeching ducks for you to drop your bean to. Think of it as a 12-hour long episode of JFD without any discussion of movies. It's exactly what nobody ever asked for!
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Got a movie suggestion for the show, or better yet an opinion on next week's movies? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com. Or leave us a voicemail: 347-746-JUNK (5865). Add it to your telephone now! JOIN THE CONVERSATION!
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This is too gay for me where are all the hot ladies and heavy doobies