JFD561: 11th Annual Junkaversary Spectacular
Hey, Junkies! We survived another year?!! Well, that can mean only one thing: it's time for another JFD Anniversary show!
As per our contractually-mandated "tradition", we'll spend this week reviewing the entire past year's worth of movies, instead of limiting ourselves to three measly "new" reviews. Tune in and be glued to your sets as your charming podcast friends chat and debate our top 5 favorite and bottom 5 least favorite movies of the past year!
All this plus no news, no blu's, technical fucketry, three classic voicemails from three classic callers, the boobies of 1929, Sean's audio is crum-bum and a half, who's canceled now?, stretching out with Fela and a lil more!
Got a movie suggestion for the show, or better yet an opinion on next week's movies? Drop us a line at JFDPodcast@gmail.com. Or leave us a voicemail: 347-746-JUNK (5865). Add it to your telephone now! JOIN THE CONVERSATION!
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