JFD589: Daughters of Darkness, Spellcaster, Banshee Chapter
This week, Schlocktober continues with a trio of spooky flicks picked by those sick maniacs, the Dom DeLuise Patreon donors!
All this plus baseball chat, Kevin's continued adventures at the drive-in, candy from Randy, Halloween fast food chat, Marilyn Monroe news Scream 5, black and white Japanese witches and so much more.
Up first, a couple's stay at a hotel is interrupted when a duo of sexy vampire ladies show up in Daughters of Darkness from 1971 (picked by Andreas).
Then, Adam Ant hosts a group of MTV contest winners at his castle only to pick them off one-by-one using magic in the forgotten Empire Pictures release Spellcaster from 1988 (picked by John T).
And finally, a young woman gets caught up in a government conspiracy around a mind altering drug and only a Hunter S. Thompson clone can help her in Banshee Chapter from 2013 (picked by Paul M).
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